Monday 24 June 2019

Jageshwar Dham Temple

Taj Mahal, Food, Spices, Festival, Colors are some of the few things that often clouds your mind when you think of India. However, as you start penetrating it's vast and diverse topography, you will discover a different India altogether. An India that is veiled under the curtain of mysticism and spiritualism. The country is a passage to several consecrated spaces established by the Awakened Beings who are said to have achieved the highest level of consciousness and has the desire to share their knowledge with the world. The temples have a crucial role to play in creating a distinct image of India on the world map. For some these temples is the place for worship, for some they reflect the intricate architecture prevailed in the glorious civilization that thrived in the past. But not many people know that these temples are also a form of consecrated spaces- giving an opportunity to tab in the dimension beyond the physical world. Jageshwar is one such place reverberating with divine energies. Perched at an elevation of 1,870 m the Himalayan village of Jagehwar is dotted with several ancient temples and caves. Jageshwar Dham, Dandeshwar Temple, Jhankar Saim, Vridh Jageshwar, PataalBhuvaneshwar Caves & Airavat Caves being the notable ones.

 Jageshwar Dham

Believed to be constructed between 7th-century to 8th-century B.C, Jageshwar Dham is a cluster of 124 temples. Each temple is dedicated to Shiva or the demigods revered in the sacred books of Vedas and Upanishads. It is interesting to see how the entire community of the village has taken up the responsibility in preserving this 2500-year-old   temple complex

Dandeshwar Temple

Situated slightly upstream from the Jageshwar Temple Complex, Dandeshwar Temple stands tall amidst the panormic vistas and sky-kissing trees of Himalayas. According to the folklores, Dandeshwar temple is where Lord Shiva stays with septarishis and protected the region. The aura it exudes is a melody of spiritual ecstasy, ancient impressions and melodious cosmic sounds. The gurgling sounds from nearby flowing streams add to the ambience.

Jhankar Saim

Legends have it that one day when Shiva was meditating on this very place,  a group of demons tried to attack him. Lord Jhanker Saim came in the form of Trinetra and assassinated the demons.

Vridh Jageshwar

This temple about 3 km uphill Jageshwar, called the Old Shiva, is said to be the abode of Shiva before he came down to Jageshwar. The unremitting peace they emanate is one of the most fascinating aspects of both Jageshwar and Vriddha Jageshwar.

PataalBhuvaneshwar Cave

Patal Bhuvaneshwar is one of the most mysterious and spiritual place of Uttarakhand. This hidden pilgrimage situated at 1350 mts above sea level is mainly dedicated to Lord Shiva. Patal Bhuvaneshwar is a limestone cave situated 13kms from Gangolighat in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand state. The way to the Patal Bhuvaneshwar cave goes through a long and narrow tunnel. Other than Lord Shiva the forms of Sheshnag, Kal Bhiarav, Ganesha and several other gods can be seen in Patal Bhuvaneshwar. It is believed that the cave is the abode of 33 crore Gods and Goddesses.

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